Friday, July 18, 2008

Death by PowerPoint

I have spent so much time working on a course that is essentially 'death by PowerPoint' that I have not really had time to get ready for my courses. I'm hoping that I can time manage better in the fall.

I am getting frustrated by the fact that the courses I am producing are so limited. Most of it is really just theory, so it is hard to make it visually appealing. They are mostly .ppt shows with some audio. I am using Adobe Presenter to convert them to flash, and then putting them into ATutor. Boring, boring, boring. If anyone has any suggestions for making these things more effective, I would love to hear it.

I'm reading Producing Video Podcasts by Richard Harrington and Mark Weiser. With any luck I will be able to convince TPTB to shell out the cash to make some decent video part of our courses. I may have to call in my brother, who is my A/V expert... lol

Friday, July 4, 2008

Other MET student

I found another MET student, his blog is here If you are an MET student, or have found another, related, blog please let me know. I would love to compile a list.